Restorative Hand

Treats any wrist/hand/finger lost range and tension from fresh stroke, brain or spinal cord injuries.
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£67.15 £55.96
Restorative Medical
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ISO 13485 Supplier for Medical Devices
Product Description


Effectively and comfortably treats any wrist/hand/finger lost range and tension from fresh stroke, brain or spinal cord injuries to moderate deformities and pain.


Restorative Hand Features:

  • High-temperature plastic base can be remoulded by a health professional to continue the restorative process as the patient improves.
  • Lightweight support for painful extremities.
  • Plastic base extends under the thumb gradually abducting it comfortably.
  • Flex Technology splint moves with the patient’s abnormal muscle tone and spasticity for comfort and helps to relax the tone.
  • Padding provides comfort and redistributes skin pressure.
  • Colour coding aids proper strap attachment.
  • Comfortable thumb support for mild lost range of motion.

Indications for Use:

  • Lost range and tension of wrist/hand/finger.
  • Mild/moderate contractures.
  • Suitable for cerebral palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis, Stroke, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Measuring Guide: