DONGBANG DB106 acupuncture needles are known for their exceptional quality and reliability in the field of acupuncture. Made from high-quality materials, these sterile medical needles offer practitioners peace of mind when it comes to patient safety.
These 1000 packs offer cost savings for busy acupuncturists. 1000 - 10 per Blister Pack. Each blister pack with guide tube.
For those seeking the best acupuncture needles on the market, DB106 Sterile Acupuncture Needles stand out for their high-quality construction and precision engineering. Practitioners can trust in these needles to deliver consistent results with every treatment session.
Features and Benefits:
Multi-Needle Packaging: 10 needles per blister pack.
Easy-Glide Guide Tube: Each blister comes with a guide tube for precise control during insertion.
Korean-style Handle: Made from tightly wound stainless steel wire, suitable for electro-acupuncture and moxibustion treatments.
Sterile & Disposable: Ensures safety and hygiene for single use.
Strong and Reliable: High-tensile strength and anti-corrosion properties for dependable use in every session.
These needles are designed for professional use, offering both ease of use and efficiency in acupuncture treatments.
Sold: Box of 1000
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