Renia Rehagol Glue Primer - Rubber and Latex
Renia Rehagol is a clear liquid primer containing a chlorinated organic substance designed for the treatment of thermoplastic rubber (TR) and latex.
Product Description
Renia Rehagol is a clear liquid primer containing a chlorinated organic substance designed for the treatment of thermoplastic rubber (TR) and latex.
Thermoplastic Rubber (TR): There are various types of thermoplastic rubber. Some cannot be effectively bonded using cements. In such cases, pre-treatment with Renia Rehagol is essential. To identify thermoplastic rubber, apply some drops of Renia DeSohl onto the material and check its solubility by wiping with a towel. If the surface dissolves, the material is thermoplastic rubber.
Latex: Latex is a soft, dull, rubber-like material that also requires pre-treatment with Renia Rehagol.
Renia Rehagol can only be applied in combination with one of the following Renia adhesives: Colle de Cologne, Multi-Colle, Syntic, Renol or Aquilim.
Before applying Renia Rehagol, the material must be ground and cleaned from dust.
Coat the material with Renia Rehagol using a metal-free brush and let the primer impact on the surface for a certain period.
Depending on the Renia adhesive to be applied after halogenation, the reaction time varies from 0 (Aquilim) to 5 (Syntic) to 60 minutes.
Not applicable.
Open Assembly Time:
Up to 60 minutes, depending on the substrate and the adhesive to be applied.
Refer to the Technical Data Sheet of the corresponding adhesive.
Renia - Rehagol is sensitive to moisture and will be decomposed by metals.
Use only a clean and dry brush.
The decomposed substance appears as a white precipitate on the bottom.
12 months. Store in a cool and dry place. Contents of an opened container should be used within 6 months.
Not usable.
Let the brush dry and remove remnants. Residue cannot be used anymore.
Size: 85ml.
Sold: 85ml
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