Walk Right Podiatry is a specialist private podiatry practice serving people in Greater Manchester. The practice is passionate about improving the quality of life for all their patients.
The Walk Right team has been using Algeos’ OptoGait since 2014. Here, Senior Podiatrist and business owner Rebecca Schofield explains why it is an important system for their business.
What have been the benefits for the practice and your patients?
Rebecca says: “We have been using OptoGait for more than two years and it has helped to make our Biomechanics assessment much more comprehensive as well as backing up our clinical and visual assessments.Typically, we see patients with a variety of movement issues. These can range from simple pronation issues to complex sporting injuries."
“The OptoGait is easy to use and we have found the video functions particularly excellent. The video is not only a useful tool for us, but our patients like it too. It helps us to engage with them because they can watch their own gait pattern frame by frame."
Does this lead to improved outcomes?
"Yes it does, particularly when used with the Biofeedback function which again engages the patient to use the OptoGait to improve certain aspects of their gait cycle."
“Being able to offer OptoGait has helped us to attract new patients to our practice. We have had a lot of interest from patients who take part in sporting activities, particularly runners. Another big benefit is that it has helped to shorten waiting times.”
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