Three Points Start Test
Configuring a test starting with two feet and a support hand on the ground.
In some sports, starts with both feet and one hand on the ground are used (hence the name "Three-Point Start"). A famous example is the 40-yard dash widely used in American Football. Configure as follows:
- Go to Test >Define/Modify Test and create a new test definition
- Choose "Test Type" = "Sprint/Gait Test", Start Type = "Three Point Start"; the stop type can be chosen freely;
- Insert the number of bars (meters) of your linear system and save;
- Go to "Test" > "Execute;"
- Select the athlete and the test which has already been defined and press Execute;
- Ask the athlete to stand on both feet and put one hand on the ground within a distance of a few LEDs; while the athlete takes this position, in the lower left part the message "Position not correct" is displayed; when the athlete is set, it changes to "Ready to start" activating automatically the START button
- Press START;
- When the athlete lifts his hand, the test begins and data are recorded. Carry out the sprint and save it;
- Go to "Results" and view the executed test;
- Assign the starting foot with a right click on the numerical data grid (please remember that in running tests the starting foot is the one that "pushes", i.e. the right foot in this example or anyway the foot in front of the other);
- The External START impulse is defined as the moment in which the athlete lifts his hand;
- The two "Action" times refer to the difference between the previous event and the moment the foot is lifted (right or left);
- Between the two actions the athlete usually performs one step, which is recorded (it can happen that this does not occur if the athlete "jumps" and begins immediately with a flight time);
- The following is typical data of a running test (flight time, contact, distance, etc.).

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