Susol Nail Surgery Kit (PNA) - Podiatrist Single Use

All-in-one solution for partial nail avulsion procedures. Sterile pack eliminates risk of cross-contamination and removes the need to clean and prep items.
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Product Description

Susol Nail Surgery Kit (PNA) - Podiatrist Single Use

This extensive pack of podiatry tools is an all-in-one solution for partial nail avulsion procedures. This single-use kit is a cost effect solution for podiatrists, featuring eight high-quality items for successful PNA procedures.

All eight items are wrapped in a sterile pack, making them easy to transport and store, as well as cutting down on wasteful packaging. The boxes open via tabs for easy access and the clean branding ensures they look appropriate for your clinic. The arrangement of the box adds flexibility to your workflow by allowing you to use only what you require when you need it, eradicating the time-consuming process of cleaning and prepping reusable items.

The single use design eliminates the risk of cross infection, which improves patient safety. This PNA pack is a comprehensive all-in-one solution for podiatrists who want the most effective and convenient equipment on the market today.

Kit Features

  • All-in-one solution for podiatry procedures
  • Eliminates risk of cross-contamination
  • Removes the need to clean and prep items

Kit Includes

  • Thwaites nipper
  • Beaver handle
  • Locke elevator
  • Blacks file
  • No. 3 scalpel handle
  • Dressing scissors
  • Hallstead mosquito forceps
  • Ribbon tourniquet