hallux rigidus

Why diabetic foot ulcers aren’t healing, and what to do about it

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Why diabetic foot ulcers aren’t healing, and what to do about it

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases amongst adults in the UK, affecting roughly 4.3 million people and responsible for 174 amputations every week. Diabetic foot ulcers occur in between 10% and15% of people living with diabetes and, if left unmanaged, can lead to serious complications for the individual.

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  1. Hallux Rigidus

    What is: Hallux Rigidus?

    This is a common form of arthritis located at the base of the big toe (this joint is called the metatarsophalangeal, or MTP joint). This joint is important to the proper function of the foot, as it needs to bend when the foot is in motion.