Electro Medical Systems’ DolorClast
At Algeos, we are really pleased to be the exclusive distributor of the DolorClast® High Power Laser, produced by Electro Medical Systems (EMS), in the UK and Ireland.
The term ‘musculoskeletal disorder’ encompasses a wide range of conditions, however all are frequently characterised by discomfort and limitations in everyday activities that negatively affect quality of life and mental well-being.
Musculoskeletal injuries are frequently described by patients as highly painful, particularly in the acute phase, and this is where the EMS DolorClast® High Power Laser comes in.
Working to reduce pain and acute inflammation, the DolorClast High Power Laser is used to treat:
• Superficial or deep musculoskeletal indications
• Acute inflammation (within 1 month of the injury)
• Those with a low-tolerance threshold of pain
Described as the most powerful, super pulsed laser for fast pain relief and long-lasting healing, the DolorClast® High Power Laser provides:
• A 905nm wavelength (Advantageous as this is the least absorbed by water, blood and melanin within the near infra-red spectrum)
• High Peak Power with short pulse duration (300W)
The DolorClast® High Power Laser enables you to offer your patients a non-invasive and safe solution for those suffering from pain, or struggling with a low pain threshold, during the rehabilitation process.
It triggers two effects in the targeted area: Analgesic Effect and Anti-Inflammatory Effect.
A quick and strong analgesic effect is able to be provided as a result of the laser’s specially selected 905 nm wavelength, which effectively kick-starts the healing process.
The laser is extremely high-quality, portable (weighing just 8kg) and as it provides long-lasting healing, it would be an appealing solution to busy clinics or NHS sites looking to reduce waiting lists quickly, effectively and safely.
The DolorClast® High Power Laser can work as a standalone solution or as part of the wider GDT concept.
If you’d like more information, or would like to see the DolorClast® High Power Laser in action, please contact us here