
Each year, National Feet Week asks everyone to prioritise foot health. From 8th – 14th March 2021, this important event aims to show how small problems with your feet could lead to bigger issues, and highlights the importance of getting your feet checked out by a podiatrist, just as you would your teeth by a dentist. As a rule, you should get your bare feet checked at least once a year by a professional, but if you have noticed anything different about them, you should get them checked without delay. Podiatrists can treat all sorts of foot conditions and can usually help resolve minor issues quickly. However, problems that originate in the feet can indicate other health issues, such as diabetes, and it is therefore really important to take good care of your feet.

Diabetes sufferers are more likely to develop problems with the feet, and if left untreated, these issues could end up as amputations. Looking after your feet on a daily basis is the best way to avoid these issues, but this can be difficult if you have lost sensation in them, or you are struggling to lift them up to check them. If this happens, your first step should be to speak with your healthcare provider, who will be able to refer you to a podiatrist. The Diabetic Foot Diagnostic Kit, available at Algeos, is a kit that has been created to diagnose and assess Diabetic Foot complications including a loss of sensation, signs of peripheral artery disease, ulcers and infections. It includes a Diaped doppler, neuropathy testing device and digital thermometer and is available to buy here. To find out more about National Feet Week, visit https://nationalfeetweek.org/.