Product Description
Poron on Plastazote LAMS
This unique combination consisting of Plastazote, with its proven therapeutic features and PORON, with its unique cushioning abilities gives you assurance in fabricating a long lasting product with multiple benefits for your patient.
Studies have shown that using PORON and Plastazote together are effective in reducing pressure and FTI (Force Time Integral) under the forefoot. Diabetic patients and patients with peripheral neuropathy will benefit hugely from insoles made from this combination as it reduces pressure and tissue damage.
Features & Benefits
- Benefits of two well-known materials combined into one.
- PORON - ensures high performance and unrivalled quality.
- Excellent cushioning and moulding properties.
- Ideal for total contact treatment.
- Reduce stock requirements.
- Save manufacturing time.
- Cost effective.
Sheet Size: 1000mm x 1370mm.
Sold: Sheet
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